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Market launch offer

Book a test drive and convince yourself of our MySafeDrive.
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Presentation of the MySafeDrive

We are presenting our MySafeDrive in Greece! Sunday 29th of September 2024 in Laganas (Zakynthos, GR)
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The patented world innovation for your safety on the water

Hazardous situation main drive failure? No problem anymore with MySafeDrive. Our patented adapter offers you safety for man, material and nature.

There are three different versions that can be easily attached to almost any existing boat drive (inboard & outboard). It holds an electric motor that powers a propeller. With our MySafeDrive attached, the boat operator can remain in the helmstand and bring his boat and passengers to a safe area within seconds.

With MySafeDrive your boat remains easily maneuverable, e.g. when mooring. It is possible to drive almost silently into harbors and through other waters, comfortably steered by a remote control. Even when driving with the current as well as in trouble-free waters, no gasoline is needed. This eliminates any odor and noise pollution.



made in Germany

always safe

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The people behind the idea

Motivated by our own bitter experiences, we set out to develop a professional solution for your safety.

Here you can learn more about the minds and our motivation behind the successful innovation:

Thomas Rollinger

Developer and inventor of the MySafeDrive. The man who knows how to put the good ideas into practice, always with fast and immediate problem solving in all technical and mechanical fields.

Beate Hofmeister

The powerhouse for marketing and sales, organization and management.

The team

Come and meet our motivated team

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