Once upon a time...

or: how it all began

It's the year 2020. The Corona pandemic makes the world smaller, confronts people and us to refrain from regular vacation trips. In order to keep a little bit of freedom and vacation feeling, we bought a nice little motorboat.

During our trips we experienced a drive failure twice, resulting in subsequent maneuvering inability. These were drastic experiences, not only for us. In exchange with other motorboat sportsmen we learned that - almost - everybody has already gone through this terrible experience.

Tom thought a lot about how to prevent dangerous situations like this. Safety on the water even without a second, gasoline-powered auxiliary engine at the stern. Easy to operate, even on your own. No more damage to people, material and nature.

After a lot of tinkering, planning and development, a good two and a half years of work later, tests and research, the time had come: Our MySafeDrive adapter was born and from now on it will increase boating safety dramatically.

In the meantime, we ourselves only drive with our MySafeDrive as a backup and even had to use it: In the middle of the Rhine river our engine went out, the fuel gauge was broken. But thanks to MySafeDrive we were able to steer smoothly, quickly and easily into the next bay and refuel again.

Conclusion: We don't want to be on the road without it anymore and we are sure that many boaters will feel the same way.

Convince yourself of our MySafeDrive, personally on site, on your boat and tell us afterwards about your own experiences and how you like our MySafeDrive.

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